Friday, December 10, 2010

amazing race by justin har and johnthan ng (2010)

Amazing gRace (Mentors Guide)
Summary of Activity
• 4 groups
• Total of 38 signed up (CAA 301110)
• Expected Strength – 43 (5 to sign up on the day itself)
• Juniors (9-12 years old) – 19+5
• Seniors (13-17 years old) - 19
• Teams are to make their way to the 7 check points and successful complete the 9 tasks (out of the 18 prepared) in the SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME
• Note that there will be also other criteria which the teams will be graded on (see behind for score sheet which mentors are to fill up)
Critical Events Chart
1000 Advanced Party to move out Set up respective stations at ECP
Sis Charissa to accompany the advanced party
1045 Briefing Groups to break up into groups to discuss what are the “journey essential items” to bring along the way
1115 Lunch
1145 Move out for ECP
1245 Arrival at ECP Final briefing
Teams will be split into the 4 different pavilions
1300 First team to be dispatched Subsequent teams to be dispatched when the preceding team completes their 2nd checkpoint
Note: mentors to call mentor of next group upon completion of 2nd checkpoint
1600 First team to complete Upon completion, teams will be allowed to wash up and change into clean and dry clothes at the nearby toilets
1630 Last team to complete
1700 Move out from ECP
1830 Arrival at Church

Order of dispatch -

How the games will be played:
• Upon the dispatching of the group, teams will be issued their first clue to their first checkpoint by the respective mentors
o Note that the list of clues for the side quest is also to be given out at this point
o Also, the timing begins once the first clue is distributed
• Clues are pictures taken at the checkpoint
• Teams will then navigate their way to the checkpoint with minimal or no supervision by the mentors
• Upon reaching the checkpoint, the group I/C is to notify the mentor who would then verify if the team are at the right place
o The onus is on the mentors to prevent the teams from getting “too lost”
• Once it has been confirmed that the team is at the checkpoint, mentors will then read out the heading of the game; for example, “longest or shortest?”
• The teams will then have to decide which game they would go for without having any details of the respective games
o Note that there will be games where they do not have a choice and the above point does not apply then
• Mentors will supervise and “judge” the team’s performance as they execute the respective tasks at the various checkpoints in the absence of station masters
• Once satisfied, mentors are to issue the team with their next checkpoint

• Prior to leaving church, teams will be given a chance to select 5 out of 10 items (journey essential items) that would possibly aid them in their race
• Mentors are to bring along the remaining 5 and should the team realize that they have to use them, they will have to get them from the mentors and be issued with a 5min penalty – 5min will be added to the time they took to finish the race
• The 10 items are as follows:
o Paper plates
o Newspaper
o Plastic cups
o Plastic spoons
o Plastic water bottle
o Raffia String (1m)
o Map of ECP
o Chopsticks
o Water bottle

Side Quest:
• Teams will also have to be concurrently trying to solve a side quest as they embark on the race
• They will have to look out for various signs/eye-catching thing around the park (Area F to G) which match the “lame/corny” descriptions given to them at the starting point
• They will have to take a picture of the sign/eye-catching thing and present them to their mentors at the end of the race
• For every correct guess, 1 min will be deducted from their total race timing
• For every wrong guess, 1 min will be added to their total race timing
• Refer to the end of the document for the clues and their respective answers

• In the event where 2 teams meet at a checkpoint, the team that comes later will have no choice over the task to be tackled

Details for Each Activity
• The following are the details of each activity in the order which they will be played
• The pictures attached to each checkpoint will be the same thing issued to the campers
• The approximate location of each checkpoint can be found on the maps attached

1. Loudest/Softest

• Teams are to sing a CHRISTIAN KINDERGARDEN/CHILDREN SONG in the LOUDEST voice possible, while running or walking up the ramp
• Teams will only be allowed to leave when the mentors are satisfied with the volume of their cheer
• Teams are to pass on a specified message in the SOFTEST way possible (i.e. actions only, like broken telephone)
• Teams are to spread out from the base to the top of the “tower”
• Teams will only be allowed to leave when the message is at least 90 percent accurate
• The message will be as follows, “Uncle Johnny sold goreng pisang at Mountbatten road yesterday during the Standard Charted Marathon and injured his left knee.”
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors are to watch out for the participants as they make their way up the stairs and ensure that there is no pushing or foul play that might result in accidents
Other Remarks:
• NOTE: The starting and ending points for the above 2 games will be marked with duct tape by the advanced party to avoid confusion(:
• This is a possible venue to stop at should the weather turn nasty

2. Walking by Faith

The rough layout of the obstacle course is as follows:

• Teams are required to complete an obstacle course blindfolded, under the instruction of one member who can see
• Teams will be blindfolded, and have to hold on to the shoulder of the member standing in front, thereby forming a row
• They will be navigated through a series of obstacles (as seen in the diagram above) by a member who is outside of the course area, and shouting directions
• This round aims to encourage trust in each other, and teamwork in helping each other along the obstacle course. In addition, this is meant to deliver the message in 2 Corinthians 4:13 For we walk by faith, not by sight
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors and station master(s) are to watch out for the participants for they will be blindfolded
o Mentors and station master(s) are to stop the participants should they spot possible accidents on the verge of happening
Other Remarks:
• NOTE: in the event where the group knocks over the bottles, mentors/station master will replace the bottle and let the game carry on
o However, everytime a water bottle falls, 30s will be added to the total timing for the group – mentors to note down
• The obstacle course will be set up by the advanced party
• This station will be manned by one / two station masters

3. Mustard Seed Madness

• Teams are required to separate the mustard seeds from the various other seeds, all placed in a container/plastic bowl. (Other seeds can include red bean, kidney beans, rice etc) Teams must separate the mustard seeds in the fastest time possible, and every mustard seed found left with the other seeds represents a time forfeit of 5 seconds.
• [Note: This game will be a breeze for teams who chose the water bottle as the opening on the cap should be only small enough to allow the mustard seeds to be filtered out]
• This round aims to encourage cooperation as more hands will make this manual task an easier one. Also, this draw links to the passage on faith like the mustard seed in Matthew 17:20. Matthew 17:20b ... for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Safety Pointers:
• Mustard seeds are incredibly minute in size and easily mistaken for dirt
o Have replaced the mustard seeds with black sesame seeds
o Mentors are to show the campers how the different seeds look like before mixing them together
Other Remarks:
• Mentors will be carrying the seeds / beans with them

4. Longest/Shortest

• Teams are to create the LONGEST line with whatever they have (including themselves – if they happen to think of it) which is at least 15m in length
• The 10m will be measured by a raffia string mentors will have with them
• Teams are fit all members onto the SHORTEST length of newspaper in a landscape position i.e. ONE piece of newspaper
• Teams are allowed to use the additional newspapers if they have chosen to bring it as their “journey essential item”
Safety Pointers:
• As the participants are trying to squeeze onto the small piece of newspaper, they might fall
o Mentors are to watch out for this and intervene if necessary
Other Remarks:

5. Biggest/Smallest

• Teams are to finish eating half a watermelon in the shortest time
• However, they will only be able to use the spoons to come into contact with the watermelon
o This means that the teams will have to device a plan to hold the watermelon with their spoons and have other members eat the flesh simultaneously
Safety Pointers:
• To prevent contamination to the watermelon, the watermelon will be purchased and brought to the park as a whole and cut on the spot
• Sis Charissa / any other responsible ADULT will be on site to take care of the cutting process
• Mentors are to look out for any possibility of participants choking on the watermelon

• Teams are to sieve through plates of flour in an attempt to find the SMALLEST object in the flour – a green bean seed
• There will be 5 plastic plates filled with flour
• In each plastic plate, there will be ONE green been seed which participants will have to retrieve
• However, participants are not allowed to have their body parts come into contact with the flour in any way
• Participants are only allowed to use a plastic spoon to retrieve the beans
• Blowing of the flour is allowed – however mentors/station masters are to refill the flour when they deem necessary
• Participants are to retrieve 5 green bean seeds and place then on a separate plastic plate before they are allow to move on to the next checkpoint
Safety Pointers:
• There will be at least 2 bottles of water placed here
o The water will be used in case there is a need to wash the flour of the participants’ eyes if the situation calls for it
Other Remarks:
• This station will be manned by one/two station masters who will be in charge of preparing the plates of flour with one green been seed in each plate
• Mentors can assist the station master(s) to refill the flour if necessary

6. Furthest/Nearest

• Teams are to make their way to the FURTHEST specified point marked by a line formed by white tape. However, they would have to perform this task with their legs tied to another team member with raffia strings such that they from a horizontal line (with each team member at the side of the other)
• Other ways of “tying themselves together” are also allowed if deemed safe by the mentors
• Teams will only be allowed to leave once the whole team cross the finishing line (white tape)
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors are to watch out for the participants as they will be prone to falling down with their legs tied together
• Teams are to make their way to the NEAREST specified point (where they are) to find a token (to be decided what) buried in the sand
• The token will a yakult bottle and the area where the bottle is buried will be marked by a hula hoop
• Mentors are to ensure that the hula hoop is removed prior to the commencement of the digging for the token
• Teams are to bury the token and mark the area with the hula hoop before leaving the checkpoint
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors are to keep an eye on the participants as they dig for the token and stop them if any hazardous objects are spotted while digging
Other Remarks:

7. Highest/Lowest

• Teams are to Build the HIGHEST sandcastle which is at the knee level of the tallest member of the team
• Teams are allowed to use anything they have brought along or find to build the sandcastle – paper plates, sticks etc
• Teams are to get into the LOWEST position possible (i.e. lie down) and roll 5 rounds together, then whilst lying face down, sing a CHRISTIAN KINDERGARDEN/CHILDREN SONG
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors are to choose a safe spot – away from the sea and without hazardous objects on the ground for the execution of this game
Other Remarks:

8. Deepest/Shallowest

• Teams are to Dig the DEEPEST hole possible, which must be able to bury a team member
• Teams are allowed to use anything they have brought along or find to build the sandcastle – paper plates, sticks etc
o Note: Teams will not actually DIG but just somehow cover the team member in sand
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors are to keep an eye on the participants as they attempt to bury their friend
o Watch out for sand going into the person’s face/eye
• Teams are Enter the SHALLOW-EST part of the waters (ankle deep) and do 10 star jumps in a synchronised manner
Safety Pointers:
• Mentors are to ensure that teams adhere to the “ankle deep” rule
Other Remarks:

9. Blind Bat Bomb (final game)
The game will be played along the “beach bay” numbered 24 and the below pictures are significant landmarks around the area.


Layout of Game

• Teams are accumulate as many water bombs in the pail at the end point as possible
• They are to do so by:
o Choosing ONE member of the team to be blindfolded
o Forming a human chain by pairing up with a partner and a trash bag (demarked by X in the figure above)
o Fill up the water bombs using the seawater (no restriction to how many persons take up this task. Participants are free to carry out the task in their own creative ways.)
o Pass the water bombs down the chain using the trash bags provided
o Successfully toss the water bomb into the pail at the end of the chain
o Game ends when all the water bombs possible end up in the pail(less those that have been burst)
o In the event when the water bombs fall on the ground, mentors/station master will bring the bomb back to the starting line for the campers to restart the whole process (no need to let the water out though)
o Mentors are to take note of how many water bombs end up in the pails and log the number in the score sheet

• Members forming a pair should hold on to opposite ends of the trash bag, and in cooperation, toss the water bomb to the next pair, and those that are burst will not be counted
• At anytime, participants are to remain stationary (no movement of the feet) as long as they have a water bomb in their trash bag they are holding on to with their pair
• This round aims to encourage teams to assist and support the member who is blindfolded, as well as to parallel the story of Jesus’ healing of the blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46 – 52. Mark 10:52a And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.

Safety Pointers:
• Salt water from the sea might sting the eyes of the participants
o Mentors are to try to ensure that no foul play is being carried out and that all water bombs are kept below waist level at all times
o One or Two pails of clean water will be on site, supplemented by bottles of water, for emergencies where salt water enters the participants’ eyes and irritates them
• Due to the nature of the area, participants will have to tackle the problem of transferring the water bombs up a slight slope.
• Mentors and station masters are to keep a close watch on the campers in a bid to prevent unnecessary accidents.
Other Remarks:
• NOTE: Get the group to assemble at the pavilion nearby before you STOP the timing for the group(:

Side Quest
The following are the pictures that campers are to find along the way.

Judging Criteria
Team Name:

S/N Criteria Marks Awarded Maximum Mark
1 Teamwork 10
2 Care For One Another 10
3 Enthusiasm 10
4 Attitude 10
5 Ability to Complete Tasks 10
6 Water bomb in pail (Blind Bat Bomb) 30
- Timing Reason
7 Additions to Timing
8 Deductions to Timings
9 Overall Timing

Equipment List for Mentors
(note that the below list is not exhaustive)

1. Remaining Items after teams have chosen theirs
2. 15m Raffia String
3. Read, green, yellow, black beans and black sesame seads
4. one bowl for the mixing of the beans
5. one/two newspaper for the shortest game
6. At least 1.5l of water for the teams
7. First Aid Box
8. Clue List
9. Score Sheet

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