Activity Template
Name of Activity:
Activity 3
Brief Description:
This four-hour activity will be broken down into two activities which focus on exhibiting Christian love to the neighbours around us and to the unreached people groups of the world.
Activity 3.1- Missions (Christian Love- God’s Love for the Nations- China)
Activity 3.2- The Spirit of Giving (Christian Love- Neighbours ie Teban)
Date and Time:
7 Dec 2010, 1300-1700 HRS
1300-1315 Briefing for Activity 3.1 + Brief Video Clip (5minutes) Mandarin Room
1315-1345 Treasure Hunt Church
1345-1400 Briefing for Snake and Ladder Mandarin Room
1400-1430 Snake and Ladder Fellowship Hall
1430-1500 Brief Video Clip and prayer in small groups Mandarin Room
1500-1530 Packing of goody bags Kindergarten Classrooms
1530- 1630 Distribution of goody bags Teban flats
1630-1700 Debrief Mandarin Room
Biblical Link to Camp or equivalent:
Christian Love:
Hebrews 10.24
1 Corinthians 13.4-8
Thorough explanation and breakdown of activity:
Activity 3.1: Snake and Ladder- Country Focus: China
1300-1315 Briefing for Activity 3.1 + Brief Video Clip (5minutes) Mandarin Room
1315-1345 Treasure Hunt Church
1345-1400 Briefing for Snake and Ladder Mandarin Room
1400-1430 Snake and Ladder Fellowship Hall
1430-1500 Brief Video Clip and prayer in small groups Mandarin Room
1300-1315 Briefing for Activity 3.1 + Brief Video Clip
- There will be a short briefing on the entire Activity.
1315-1345 Treasure Hunt
- This treasure hunt will serve as a teaser to Activity 3.1
- As the country focus is China, the campers will have to scour the church to intentionally look for 10 objects which were manufactured in China.
1. Campers have to look out for 10 different objects that were made in China.
2. Objects can range from food to non-food items.
3. Each group is to use a camera/ camera phone to take a picture of the object.
4. Evidence has to be explicit i.e. “MADE IN CHINA/ MANUFACTURED IN CHINA”
5. Campers are given 20 minutes to complete the treasure hunt.
6. Upon completion, each group has to assemble in the Mandarin Room.
- Brief video clip: a short clip from “The Cross of Jesus in China” which lasts for 5 minutes.
1345-1400 Briefing for Snake and Ladder
- Each group will be sub-divided into smaller groups of 4/5.
- Each sub-group is to have: 1 mentor, 1 I/C and 1 scribe.
- The scribe is to copy down the teaching points on the mahjong paper which will be read out by the camper (Refer to instructions).
- Snakes and Ladders will function as teaching points for the campers.
Snakes= Hindrances of the Gospel in China
Ladders= Advancement of the Gospel in China
Objectives of Game
Scripture references:
Habakkuk 2:14
Matthew 24.14, 28.18-20
Revelation 5.9, 7.9-10
1. To create an awareness of the Unreached People Groups (UPGs)/ 10/40 window, specifically China, at a young age.
2. To allow the campers to have a broader and eternal perspective of missions.
3. To aid in the fulfilment of the Great Commission with the knowledge of the UPGs.
4. To pray for the UPGs and to go in the future (God-willing)!
5. To create a love for the people of other nations, tribes and tongues.
6. To encourage teamwork.
1. The aim of the game is for ALL to reach the final square- FINISHED TASK.
2. To start, each camper takes his/her turn to roll the die and the one with the highest throw begins.
3. Campers then take turns to roll the die. They each move the number of squares as indicated by the die.
4. If a camper lands on a square depicting the bottom of the ladder, he moves up to the square containing the top of the ladder.
- Mentor will then give a “LADDER” card to the camper.
- Camper will read out the teaching point.
- Scribe will record the teaching point on the mahjong paper.
- Camper will keep the card.
5. If a camper lands on a square containing the head of a snake, he slides down to the square containing the tail of the snake.
- Mentor will then give a “SNAKE” card to the camper.
- Camper will read out the teaching point.
- Scribe will record the teaching point on the mahjong paper.
- Camper will keep the card.
6. If a camper is at square 99 and throws a 3, he has to backspace to square 98 and will NOT finish until he has an exact throw to reach the final square.
7. There is NO LOSER OR WINNER in this game.
8. Snake and Ladder will last for 25 minutes.
1430-1500 Brief Video Clip and prayer in small groups
- Screening of video clip from joshuaproject “The Unreached - Did you know?” (3mins 15s)
- Get into small groups to pray for the unreached/ salvation of anyone God has laid upon their hearts.
- Prayer cards will be distributed to the campers.
- Campers can make use of group sharing time to pray for a different unreached group each evening.
Activity 3.2: The Spirit of Giving
1500-1530 Packing of goody bags Kindergarten Classrooms
1530- 1630 Distribution of goody bags Teban flats
1630-1700 Debrief by the mentors
1500-1530 Packing of goody bags
- The campers will be sub-divided into smaller groups of 4/5.
- They will have to pack the various pre-prepared food/ non-food items into the goody bags.
- Instructions on “ITEMS TO PACK” will be provided on that day.
1530- 1630 Distribution of goody bags
- Each camper is to take with them 5 goody bags for distribution.
- Then, they will be led by their spiritual mentors to the neighbourhood.
- A maximum of 1 hour is given to the groups to complete the distribution.
1630-1700 Debrief by the mentors
- What did they learn?
- Application
- Clear-up?
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