Thursday, November 24, 2011

D'walk reflections by Alex Goh - Dec 2010

Reflections after Dwalk: You may do this 4-page questionnaire in any order you wish. :o) Be honest and open.
D Rulez
Why do you think there are rules? Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:

 1. to ensure that things do not go wrong
 2. to take away my freedom/someone wants to control me
 3. to teach me what is right from wrong
 4. to protect me from harm by others
 5. to protect others from harm by me
 6. to keep me from doing wrong
 7. to keep me from going to jail
 8. to ensure that society is able to function properly

People who make the rules (Figures of authority) Name a rule you like and say why you like it
What would happen if this rule didn’t exist?
Name a rule you don’t like and say why you don’t like it What would happen if this rule didn’t exist?
Eg. Government Parliament
Cabinet of ministers
Prime Minister
Legislative assembly No smoking in public places like bus interchanges/ MRT stations
Smokers would smoke and non-smokers would suffer. No jaywalking because it is inconvenient to find a traffic light, pedestrian crossing or overhead bridge People can cross roads where they like. Those who are careless get injured or killed.
1. Home
Older siblings

2. School
Members of staff

3. Government
Cabinet of ministers
Prime Minister
Legislative assembly

4. Bible

How do you feel about Jesus offering you salvation by his death on the cross?
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:

 1. I am confident that Jesus is my Saviour.
 2. I want to tell others about how Jesus can be their Saviour.
 3. I am confused about what accepting Christ as Saviour means.
 4. I used to be sure that Jesus was my Saviour but not now.
 5. I am not sure what salvation is.
 6. I wish someone would explain what “salvation” means to me.
 7. I am not ready to accept Jesus as my Saviour.
 8. I would like to know more how Jesus can be my Saviour.

Why did Jesus die on the Cross?

Tick the boxes. You may select more than one box. Fill in the blanks in the sentences next to each choice with a suitable word:

 1. Jesus’ Father gave Him instructions to do it……………so…

 2. Jesus wanted to go to the Cross out of His Own Free Will…

 3. Jesus wanted to bear the sins of the world on Himself……..

 4. Jesus had planned this mission from the beginning of Time.

 5. Jesus knew that sinful Man could not please a Holy God enough to save themselves…………………………………………..

 6. Jesus died on the Cross to save me from going to hell……..

Jesus was an obedient S _ _ .

Jesus was w _ _ _ _ _ _ to offer Himself as a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Jesus is the L _ _ _ of God Who takes away the sin of the world.

Jesus is an E _ _ _ _ _ _ God.

Jesus paid the p_ _ _ _ for sin that a Holy God demands.

Jesus is my S _ _ _ _ _ _.

How do I live my life now that I am a Christian?
If your week was 100%, what percentage of it are you spending in these categories? Categories 1-4 added up must make 100%. What is the PRICE of your justification in Jesus Christ?
This is the percentage of my waking hours that I NOW spend with… This is the percentage of my waking hours that AFTER SS CAMP I would like to spend with…
Eg. School
70% 50%

1. God: Church, Bible reading, prayer, JF/YF, witnessing

2. Family: meals, housework, talking, trips

3. School: lessons, CCA, enrichment, tuition

4. Leisure: surfing the internet, playing with handphone, gaming, MSN, youtube

“IT is Finished.” were Jesus Christ’s words on the Cross. What exactly did He mean? What does the word “it” refer to? You may choose more than one phrase. Please provide an explanation for your choice(s).

 “IT” refers to
God’s plan of Salvation

 “IT” refers to
God’s anger against sin

 “IT” refers to
Jesus’ mission on earth

The 3 most important people or things in my life right now are…
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:

 parents
 sibling(s)
 friend/classmate/schoolmate
 teacher/coach
 entertainer (eg. singer, actor/actress)
 possession (eg. handphone, X-box, computer)
 hobby (eg. tennis, soccer, computer games)
 clothes (eg. favourite hat, shirt, shoes)
 pastime (eg. eating, shopping, sleeping, lazing about)
 activity (eg. gaming, gossiping, sending SMSes, watching Youtube)
 Others _________________________________

Put your choices in order of most important to least important

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

The 3 most important Priorities that God WANTs me to have…
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:

 worship God in spirit and truth
 obey God in my daily walk
 love God above all else
 trust God for all my needs (eg. food, clothing and shelter)
 pray for my family, friends and my church
 respect and obey those in authority over me
 spend time with God in prayer
 spend time with God in reading His Word
 talking to my family, friends and even strangers about God
 using my talent for God’s Kingdom
 sharing my time, talent and money that God has given me with those around me
 Others _________________________________

Put your choices in order of most important to least important

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

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