Reflections after Dwalk: You may do this 4-page questionnaire in any order you wish. :o) Be honest and open.
D Rulez
Why do you think there are rules? Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:
1. to ensure that things do not go wrong
2. to take away my freedom/someone wants to control me
3. to teach me what is right from wrong
4. to protect me from harm by others
5. to protect others from harm by me
6. to keep me from doing wrong
7. to keep me from going to jail
8. to ensure that society is able to function properly
People who make the rules (Figures of authority) Name a rule you like and say why you like it
What would happen if this rule didn’t exist?
Name a rule you don’t like and say why you don’t like it What would happen if this rule didn’t exist?
Eg. Government Parliament
Cabinet of ministers
Prime Minister
Legislative assembly No smoking in public places like bus interchanges/ MRT stations
Smokers would smoke and non-smokers would suffer. No jaywalking because it is inconvenient to find a traffic light, pedestrian crossing or overhead bridge People can cross roads where they like. Those who are careless get injured or killed.
1. Home
Older siblings
2. School
Members of staff
3. Government
Cabinet of ministers
Prime Minister
Legislative assembly
4. Bible
How do you feel about Jesus offering you salvation by his death on the cross?
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:
1. I am confident that Jesus is my Saviour.
2. I want to tell others about how Jesus can be their Saviour.
3. I am confused about what accepting Christ as Saviour means.
4. I used to be sure that Jesus was my Saviour but not now.
5. I am not sure what salvation is.
6. I wish someone would explain what “salvation” means to me.
7. I am not ready to accept Jesus as my Saviour.
8. I would like to know more how Jesus can be my Saviour.
Why did Jesus die on the Cross?
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one box. Fill in the blanks in the sentences next to each choice with a suitable word:
1. Jesus’ Father gave Him instructions to do it……………so…
2. Jesus wanted to go to the Cross out of His Own Free Will…
3. Jesus wanted to bear the sins of the world on Himself……..
4. Jesus had planned this mission from the beginning of Time.
5. Jesus knew that sinful Man could not please a Holy God enough to save themselves…………………………………………..
6. Jesus died on the Cross to save me from going to hell……..
Jesus was an obedient S _ _ .
Jesus was w _ _ _ _ _ _ to offer Himself as a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Jesus is the L _ _ _ of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Jesus is an E _ _ _ _ _ _ God.
Jesus paid the p_ _ _ _ for sin that a Holy God demands.
Jesus is my S _ _ _ _ _ _.
How do I live my life now that I am a Christian?
If your week was 100%, what percentage of it are you spending in these categories? Categories 1-4 added up must make 100%. What is the PRICE of your justification in Jesus Christ?
This is the percentage of my waking hours that I NOW spend with… This is the percentage of my waking hours that AFTER SS CAMP I would like to spend with…
Eg. School
70% 50%
1. God: Church, Bible reading, prayer, JF/YF, witnessing
2. Family: meals, housework, talking, trips
3. School: lessons, CCA, enrichment, tuition
4. Leisure: surfing the internet, playing with handphone, gaming, MSN, youtube
“IT is Finished.” were Jesus Christ’s words on the Cross. What exactly did He mean? What does the word “it” refer to? You may choose more than one phrase. Please provide an explanation for your choice(s).
“IT” refers to
God’s plan of Salvation
“IT” refers to
God’s anger against sin
“IT” refers to
Jesus’ mission on earth
The 3 most important people or things in my life right now are…
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:
entertainer (eg. singer, actor/actress)
possession (eg. handphone, X-box, computer)
hobby (eg. tennis, soccer, computer games)
clothes (eg. favourite hat, shirt, shoes)
pastime (eg. eating, shopping, sleeping, lazing about)
activity (eg. gaming, gossiping, sending SMSes, watching Youtube)
Others _________________________________
Put your choices in order of most important to least important
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
The 3 most important Priorities that God WANTs me to have…
Tick the boxes. You may select more than one:
worship God in spirit and truth
obey God in my daily walk
love God above all else
trust God for all my needs (eg. food, clothing and shelter)
pray for my family, friends and my church
respect and obey those in authority over me
spend time with God in prayer
spend time with God in reading His Word
talking to my family, friends and even strangers about God
using my talent for God’s Kingdom
sharing my time, talent and money that God has given me with those around me
Others _________________________________
Put your choices in order of most important to least important
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
people who have helped with campfire
campfire - collection of materials, set-up, maintenance and disposal of campfire
aloysius ng
jeremy fong
eng tso ren
yal si qi
joe mok
charles jensen
josiah wang
marcus tan
campfire song and games
karina heng
charissa heng
joanne mok
iris chiew
shareen ng
timothy woon
reggie ng
aloysius ng
jeremy fong
eng tso ren
yal si qi
joe mok
charles jensen
josiah wang
marcus tan
campfire song and games
karina heng
charissa heng
joanne mok
iris chiew
shareen ng
timothy woon
reggie ng
people who have helped with small kids sessions
keith liang
kevin liang
darrell van
abigail ng
annabel ng
kimberly wee
esther chiam
grace oei
jasmine wee
cynthia sim
jocelyn teo
lydia simon
jolynn lim
johnathan ng
kevin liang
darrell van
abigail ng
annabel ng
kimberly wee
esther chiam
grace oei
jasmine wee
cynthia sim
jocelyn teo
lydia simon
jolynn lim
johnathan ng
list of female mentors
joy tay
luvena li
allvina lee
jasmine seet (sim)
joanne mok (sim)
gwyneth van
shelia xie
joanne liao
lydia simon
hannah dass
ang ai xin
yvonne cheah
jasmine wee
rachel tan
jaime goh
leong peiling
magdalene simon
luvena li
allvina lee
jasmine seet (sim)
joanne mok (sim)
gwyneth van
shelia xie
joanne liao
lydia simon
hannah dass
ang ai xin
yvonne cheah
jasmine wee
rachel tan
jaime goh
leong peiling
magdalene simon
list of male mentors
colin hui
marcus tan
alan heng
ernest eng
joshua tay
matthew wee
jonathan ong
nelson lim
david cher
alex goh
josiah wang
daniel lee
koh soon seng
michael chew
eugene hui
joseph tai
joel tai
irvin ling
justin har
daryl tan
marcus tan
alan heng
ernest eng
joshua tay
matthew wee
jonathan ong
nelson lim
david cher
alex goh
josiah wang
daniel lee
koh soon seng
michael chew
eugene hui
joseph tai
joel tai
irvin ling
justin har
daryl tan
Sunday, January 9, 2011
active learning for juniors by yvonne cheah (2009)
Sunday School Camp 2009 – Junior Activities – “Active Learning” (9 Dec, 7-9pm)
Station What campers do What mentors do Materials to prepare Check-list
Bible Verses & Fruit of the Spirit Campers will go to the station (and settle down around the table) and try to arrange the set of bible texts with their respective references, and definitions with the respective components of the fruit of the Spirit.
Campers will gather in the camp grouping and have a competition with other groups – the group which gets the most number of correct matchings within the given time (say 15minutes) will be rewarded. Campers will take out the cards from a box with shredded newspaper and take turns to run to the board to stick their answers (the board will have the Bible references and the fruit of the Spirit labeled there).
Bible Verses (taken from their memory verses):
Psalm 14:2
“The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.” (KJV)
“The LORD looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.” (ESV)
Romans 10:10
“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (KJV)
“For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (ESV)
James 2:24,26
“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (KJV)
“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.” “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” (ESV)
Galatians 6:9-10
“And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (KJV)
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (ESV)
Fruit of the Spirit (taken from Galatians 5:22-23):
Love – Seeks the good of the person/object loved; Seeks opportunity to do good to all men (Rom 15:2; 13:8-10; Gal 6:10)
Joy – Not based on people or circumstances; Grounded in God; Glad-heartedness
Peace – Having harmonious relationships; Rest and contentment in God despite trouble
Longsuffering – Patience which does not give in to circumstances; Self-restraint in the face of provocation
Gentleness – Graciousness; Tenderness and compassion;
Goodness – Love in action
Faith – Taking God at His Word
Meekness – Humbling oneself to God’s Word; Power under control
Temperance – Self-control (Acts 24:45; 1 Peter 1:6); Not influenced by the world
Mentors to give the following instructions (based on scenario 1):
“In this packet there are bible texts and references, and some words/phrases that describe what each component of the fruit of the Spirit stands for. (Remember to show them a sample).”
“I want you to match them together, so that you can have the 4 bible verses with their reference, and the definitions to the fruit of the Spirit. For example, you will match Temperance with self-control. Take note that some of them may have more than 1 definition that are matching.”
Mentors to give the following instructions (based on scenario 2):
“Inside the box are cards stating some words/phrases that relate to the fruit of the Spirit, and the bible verses that correspond to the bible references stated on the board. Each one of you is to take turns to take a card out and stick it at the right places. You have a total of 15minutes to get a many done as possible.”
When campers are done:
When the campers are done with the matching, mentors are to check through the answers. Please try to read up on the fruit of the Spirit and the explanations for the bible verses in case the campers ask you about anything.
Wrap-up for both scenarios:
Do you all know why God tells us about the fruit of the Spirit? The fruit of the Spirit are aspects of godly character that we as Christians should work towards (John 15:8; Luke 6:43-45)
After wrap-up:
To proceed to the next station/room (each room will have 4 same stations)
The Ten Commandments Campers will start by discussing among themselves what the Ten Commandments are. When they have decided, they’ll write it down.
Then, they’ll be given the Bible to check whether or not they have written the commandments in correctly.
They will then have to explain 1-2 of the commandments (up to the mentor to choose) to the mentor.
Following which, they’ll have to think of corresponding scenarios that relate to the commandments that they have just talked about. OR Mentors will give them the scenarios and ask them if they think what is happening in the scenario actually goes against God’s Word.
When the discussion is over, campers will be given some material for them to make their own bookmark with the Ten Commandments on one side, and the fruit of the Spirit on the other.
Campers will then be given a short while to think about any sin that they have and the group will go into a time of prayer. Campers who would like to pray for the group should be encouraged to do so.
Instructions from mentors:
“Do you all know the Ten Commandments?”
(I presume that most of them would know, but if in any case there is anyone who doesn’t, mentors are to be prepared to explain)
“Now I’ll give you some time to discuss among yourselves and I want you all to write down the Ten Commandments in the correct sequence.”
(Meanwhile mentors will just sit with them and let them figure it out. Do take note of what they talk about as it may let you know about their misconceptions if there are any)
“Okay, now I want you all to flip the Bible and check if you have written them correctly.”
“Can anyone tell me what Tenth Commandment (for e.g.) means? What about the Fifth Commandment?”
(This is if the mentor decides to pick the commandments for discussion. Let campers explain what they understand about the commandment and try to let them finish up their sentences. However, try to guide them along the way if you think they are deviating)
“If one day your sibling irritates you and you get very angry. You are so upset with him/her that even until the next day, you still refuse to talk to him, do you think you have done anything wrong?”
(Sample scenario wrt the Sixth Commandment)
“You have broken the vase accidentally. You know that is your mum’s favourite vase and you dare not tell her the truth. You tell her that it was your sibling/pet that knocked it over. Which commandment have you broken?”
(Sample scenario wrt the Ninth Commandment: Some things that can be covered include – Is it all right to lie once in a while? What about a white lie? What about exaggerating? Numbers 32:23)
After discussion:
“Now each of you can make a bookmark with the Ten Commandments on one side, and the fruit of the Spirit on the other.”
(If campers would like to include something else, go ahead and let them do so, as long as it relates to the camp.)
The Ten Commandments are given by God to us to guide us in our thoughts and actions. While we were discussing just now, you would have realized that we can break the commandments not just by what we do, but also by what we think. Remember that God looks at our hearts. We can’t escape from God if we have done anything wrong.
Prayer Time:
Mentors to tell campers to pray for God’s forgiveness if they have done anything wrong. Please also encourage campers to pray for the group in general (perhaps even by praying aloud)
[Deuteronomy 5:6-21, James 2:10]
Time to show LOVE!! Over at this station, there are 2-3 activities: Love Bulletin Board, Everyday Love Booklet, Writing cards of encouragement/appreciation/etc (the last is optional)
Love Bulletin Board
Campers will refer to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and write down what love is on pieces of heart-shaped paper which will be attached to the big construction paper. (Refer to sample below)
They will read through the verses once, then unscramble sets of letters (1 set = 1 description) to get the right description before sticking them onto the small heart-shapes printed on the big construction paper.
1 John 4:7a – “let us love one another, for love is from God”
Everyday Love Booklet
Matthew 22:37
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
___________________________________________________ Monday
Matthew 5:44
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday
Colossians 3:20
Obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
1 Peter 2:17b
Love the brotherhood.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Respect church teachers and leaders.
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday
Romans 13:9
Love your neighbour as yourself.
Instructions for Love Bulletin Board:
Mentors to start by asking campers what they think “love” is, and what they think God says it is.
After campers are done giving their answers, get them to refer to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and read it aloud.
Followed by
Case 1:
Mentors will then pass them pieces of heart-shaped paper for them to write down the different descriptions about what “love” is.
The pieces of paper will be stuck onto the big construction paper with “Love 1 Cor 13:4-7” in the centre.
Case 2:
Mentors to explain to campers that they are to recall the descriptions about what “love” is as they have just read, and to unscramble the letters in each set to get the words in the right order.
“After you’ve gotten the words, stick them onto the small heart shapes on the paper.”
Instructions for Everyday Love Booklet:
“Who do you all think we are to love?”
“What about those classmates or your siblings who always like to fight with you?”
“God has told us in His Word that we are to love Him, our enemies, our parents, fellow Christians, church teachers and leaders, friends and neighbours.”
“Now, I want you to choose 2 days (show them the booklet) and write down how you will go about showing love to the people.”
Situations Campers to reflect back on the activity “Spirit of Giving”
For the 11-years-old and 12-years-old, it may be possible to give them the scenarios and start the discussion rather quickly.
However, for the younger ones, mentors are to ensure that they guide the campers through the thought process by using prompting/leading questions.
If I see someone who is poor, do I have to give money to that person?
1. You have $2 left and you want to buy some snacks but you see an auntie selling tissue paper. It’s almost dinner time, your mum has prepared food for you, and you’re on your way home. Will you buy the tissue from the auntie or will you go ahead and buy snacks?
2. A blind man is singing on the streets and he needs people to donate money to him. You have some pocket money left from the past few days but you want to save them, what will you do?
3. Flag Day scenario
How can I help the less fortunate? [Deuteronomy 15:11, to find NT verse]
- Make it a point to set aside some of your allowance to give to your church or a Christian organization to help the poor etc
- Do volunteer work
- Pray for them!
Choose 1 more scenario from below for discussion:
- Your friends are making fun of someone you don’t like in school, what do you do? Tell them to stop or to join them? (Love/Peace) → if you tell them to stop and they scold you, what then? Do you try to defend yourself or simply keep quiet? (Temperance) → do you go and tell the person you don’t like that you helped him/her?
- You’re supposed to wake up early to go to school but you feel like sleeping more. Someone comes along to wake you up, what do you do? Shout at them to not disturb you or get up? (Temperance) → Now you’re up but still rather sleepy, your mum rushes you to wash up and have your breakfast which is the same old bread that you’ve been taking for the past few days, do you complain about it or do you do as your mum says? (Love)
- You see an old lady giving out leaflets in the evening, she still has a lot left and looks tired, do you help her by taking the leaflet as you draw near to her or do you walk as far as possible from her? (Goodness/Gentleness/Joy)
- You’re accused of something you did not do, do you let God be your defense or do you try to defend yourself (excessively)? Hebrews 13:6; Psalm 7:15-16 (Faith/Meekness/Longsuffering/Peace) #to further describe the situation
- Exams are coming and you’re scared that you won’t do well, do you skip fellowship meeting to study at home or do you go to church? (Faith) → You decided to go for fellowship but in the end you did badly for exams, do you blame God or continue to give thanks? (Faith) OR What if your parents tell you not to go for fellowship because of your exams? Would you obey them? How would you explain to your parents why you want to go? How will you react if they insist that you stay home to study? (“Honour thy father and thy mother”; Way of being a good testimony to non-Christian parents as well)
- You’re queuing up to board the bus when a lady comes squeezing her way onto the bus. What do you do – try to “fight” with her, scold her, let her be?
- You went to buy something and the shopkeeper gave you extra change, do you keep the money so that you can buy something that you’ve been eyeing or do you return the extra money? (Thou shalt not covet/steal)
Instructions/Things to take note of:
Mentors can start by asking campers what they thought of yesterday’s activity, the Spirit of Giving.
In this section, mentors are to guide the campers through a series of questions that will lead them towards understanding specific lessons:
For the compulsory section:
Has anyone tried to sell tissue paper to you or your parent before?
(This is to trigger their thought process to make them recall what they see around)
How did they look like?
(Some descriptions could be blind men, old uncle, hunchbacked elderly lady, etc)
Did you/your parent buy the tissue paper from them?
(They’ll most likely just say yes/no. If they don’t elaborate, move on to the next question)
If no, why?
(Help them to realize that these people are making a living and that the S$1/2 that we/our parents part with are small losses as compared to helping the needy)
If you did, what component of the fruit of the Spirit do you think you are showing?
(Answer includes love, goodness, joy)
For the second chosen situation:
Questions will follow the flow as given on the left.
Mentors are reminded to ask campers “WHY?” regarding their actions.
Campers should respond to one another, therefore mentors ought to ask camper A what he/she thinks of Camper B’s response.
Ask the campers if they think their mentioned behaviour reflects the fruit of the Spirit or whether or not they have transgressed any of the Ten Commandments.
Finally, ask them how they would like to react when facing similar situations.
Station What campers do What mentors do Materials to prepare Check-list
Bible Verses & Fruit of the Spirit Campers will go to the station (and settle down around the table) and try to arrange the set of bible texts with their respective references, and definitions with the respective components of the fruit of the Spirit.
Campers will gather in the camp grouping and have a competition with other groups – the group which gets the most number of correct matchings within the given time (say 15minutes) will be rewarded. Campers will take out the cards from a box with shredded newspaper and take turns to run to the board to stick their answers (the board will have the Bible references and the fruit of the Spirit labeled there).
Bible Verses (taken from their memory verses):
Psalm 14:2
“The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.” (KJV)
“The LORD looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.” (ESV)
Romans 10:10
“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (KJV)
“For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (ESV)
James 2:24,26
“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (KJV)
“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.” “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” (ESV)
Galatians 6:9-10
“And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (KJV)
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (ESV)
Fruit of the Spirit (taken from Galatians 5:22-23):
Love – Seeks the good of the person/object loved; Seeks opportunity to do good to all men (Rom 15:2; 13:8-10; Gal 6:10)
Joy – Not based on people or circumstances; Grounded in God; Glad-heartedness
Peace – Having harmonious relationships; Rest and contentment in God despite trouble
Longsuffering – Patience which does not give in to circumstances; Self-restraint in the face of provocation
Gentleness – Graciousness; Tenderness and compassion;
Goodness – Love in action
Faith – Taking God at His Word
Meekness – Humbling oneself to God’s Word; Power under control
Temperance – Self-control (Acts 24:45; 1 Peter 1:6); Not influenced by the world
Mentors to give the following instructions (based on scenario 1):
“In this packet there are bible texts and references, and some words/phrases that describe what each component of the fruit of the Spirit stands for. (Remember to show them a sample).”
“I want you to match them together, so that you can have the 4 bible verses with their reference, and the definitions to the fruit of the Spirit. For example, you will match Temperance with self-control. Take note that some of them may have more than 1 definition that are matching.”
Mentors to give the following instructions (based on scenario 2):
“Inside the box are cards stating some words/phrases that relate to the fruit of the Spirit, and the bible verses that correspond to the bible references stated on the board. Each one of you is to take turns to take a card out and stick it at the right places. You have a total of 15minutes to get a many done as possible.”
When campers are done:
When the campers are done with the matching, mentors are to check through the answers. Please try to read up on the fruit of the Spirit and the explanations for the bible verses in case the campers ask you about anything.
Wrap-up for both scenarios:
Do you all know why God tells us about the fruit of the Spirit? The fruit of the Spirit are aspects of godly character that we as Christians should work towards (John 15:8; Luke 6:43-45)
After wrap-up:
To proceed to the next station/room (each room will have 4 same stations)
The Ten Commandments Campers will start by discussing among themselves what the Ten Commandments are. When they have decided, they’ll write it down.
Then, they’ll be given the Bible to check whether or not they have written the commandments in correctly.
They will then have to explain 1-2 of the commandments (up to the mentor to choose) to the mentor.
Following which, they’ll have to think of corresponding scenarios that relate to the commandments that they have just talked about. OR Mentors will give them the scenarios and ask them if they think what is happening in the scenario actually goes against God’s Word.
When the discussion is over, campers will be given some material for them to make their own bookmark with the Ten Commandments on one side, and the fruit of the Spirit on the other.
Campers will then be given a short while to think about any sin that they have and the group will go into a time of prayer. Campers who would like to pray for the group should be encouraged to do so.
Instructions from mentors:
“Do you all know the Ten Commandments?”
(I presume that most of them would know, but if in any case there is anyone who doesn’t, mentors are to be prepared to explain)
“Now I’ll give you some time to discuss among yourselves and I want you all to write down the Ten Commandments in the correct sequence.”
(Meanwhile mentors will just sit with them and let them figure it out. Do take note of what they talk about as it may let you know about their misconceptions if there are any)
“Okay, now I want you all to flip the Bible and check if you have written them correctly.”
“Can anyone tell me what Tenth Commandment (for e.g.) means? What about the Fifth Commandment?”
(This is if the mentor decides to pick the commandments for discussion. Let campers explain what they understand about the commandment and try to let them finish up their sentences. However, try to guide them along the way if you think they are deviating)
“If one day your sibling irritates you and you get very angry. You are so upset with him/her that even until the next day, you still refuse to talk to him, do you think you have done anything wrong?”
(Sample scenario wrt the Sixth Commandment)
“You have broken the vase accidentally. You know that is your mum’s favourite vase and you dare not tell her the truth. You tell her that it was your sibling/pet that knocked it over. Which commandment have you broken?”
(Sample scenario wrt the Ninth Commandment: Some things that can be covered include – Is it all right to lie once in a while? What about a white lie? What about exaggerating? Numbers 32:23)
After discussion:
“Now each of you can make a bookmark with the Ten Commandments on one side, and the fruit of the Spirit on the other.”
(If campers would like to include something else, go ahead and let them do so, as long as it relates to the camp.)
The Ten Commandments are given by God to us to guide us in our thoughts and actions. While we were discussing just now, you would have realized that we can break the commandments not just by what we do, but also by what we think. Remember that God looks at our hearts. We can’t escape from God if we have done anything wrong.
Prayer Time:
Mentors to tell campers to pray for God’s forgiveness if they have done anything wrong. Please also encourage campers to pray for the group in general (perhaps even by praying aloud)
[Deuteronomy 5:6-21, James 2:10]
Time to show LOVE!! Over at this station, there are 2-3 activities: Love Bulletin Board, Everyday Love Booklet, Writing cards of encouragement/appreciation/etc (the last is optional)
Love Bulletin Board
Campers will refer to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and write down what love is on pieces of heart-shaped paper which will be attached to the big construction paper. (Refer to sample below)
They will read through the verses once, then unscramble sets of letters (1 set = 1 description) to get the right description before sticking them onto the small heart-shapes printed on the big construction paper.
1 John 4:7a – “let us love one another, for love is from God”
Everyday Love Booklet
Matthew 22:37
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
___________________________________________________ Monday
Matthew 5:44
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday
Colossians 3:20
Obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
1 Peter 2:17b
Love the brotherhood.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Respect church teachers and leaders.
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday
Romans 13:9
Love your neighbour as yourself.
Instructions for Love Bulletin Board:
Mentors to start by asking campers what they think “love” is, and what they think God says it is.
After campers are done giving their answers, get them to refer to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and read it aloud.
Followed by
Case 1:
Mentors will then pass them pieces of heart-shaped paper for them to write down the different descriptions about what “love” is.
The pieces of paper will be stuck onto the big construction paper with “Love 1 Cor 13:4-7” in the centre.
Case 2:
Mentors to explain to campers that they are to recall the descriptions about what “love” is as they have just read, and to unscramble the letters in each set to get the words in the right order.
“After you’ve gotten the words, stick them onto the small heart shapes on the paper.”
Instructions for Everyday Love Booklet:
“Who do you all think we are to love?”
“What about those classmates or your siblings who always like to fight with you?”
“God has told us in His Word that we are to love Him, our enemies, our parents, fellow Christians, church teachers and leaders, friends and neighbours.”
“Now, I want you to choose 2 days (show them the booklet) and write down how you will go about showing love to the people.”
Situations Campers to reflect back on the activity “Spirit of Giving”
For the 11-years-old and 12-years-old, it may be possible to give them the scenarios and start the discussion rather quickly.
However, for the younger ones, mentors are to ensure that they guide the campers through the thought process by using prompting/leading questions.
If I see someone who is poor, do I have to give money to that person?
1. You have $2 left and you want to buy some snacks but you see an auntie selling tissue paper. It’s almost dinner time, your mum has prepared food for you, and you’re on your way home. Will you buy the tissue from the auntie or will you go ahead and buy snacks?
2. A blind man is singing on the streets and he needs people to donate money to him. You have some pocket money left from the past few days but you want to save them, what will you do?
3. Flag Day scenario
How can I help the less fortunate? [Deuteronomy 15:11, to find NT verse]
- Make it a point to set aside some of your allowance to give to your church or a Christian organization to help the poor etc
- Do volunteer work
- Pray for them!
Choose 1 more scenario from below for discussion:
- Your friends are making fun of someone you don’t like in school, what do you do? Tell them to stop or to join them? (Love/Peace) → if you tell them to stop and they scold you, what then? Do you try to defend yourself or simply keep quiet? (Temperance) → do you go and tell the person you don’t like that you helped him/her?
- You’re supposed to wake up early to go to school but you feel like sleeping more. Someone comes along to wake you up, what do you do? Shout at them to not disturb you or get up? (Temperance) → Now you’re up but still rather sleepy, your mum rushes you to wash up and have your breakfast which is the same old bread that you’ve been taking for the past few days, do you complain about it or do you do as your mum says? (Love)
- You see an old lady giving out leaflets in the evening, she still has a lot left and looks tired, do you help her by taking the leaflet as you draw near to her or do you walk as far as possible from her? (Goodness/Gentleness/Joy)
- You’re accused of something you did not do, do you let God be your defense or do you try to defend yourself (excessively)? Hebrews 13:6; Psalm 7:15-16 (Faith/Meekness/Longsuffering/Peace) #to further describe the situation
- Exams are coming and you’re scared that you won’t do well, do you skip fellowship meeting to study at home or do you go to church? (Faith) → You decided to go for fellowship but in the end you did badly for exams, do you blame God or continue to give thanks? (Faith) OR What if your parents tell you not to go for fellowship because of your exams? Would you obey them? How would you explain to your parents why you want to go? How will you react if they insist that you stay home to study? (“Honour thy father and thy mother”; Way of being a good testimony to non-Christian parents as well)
- You’re queuing up to board the bus when a lady comes squeezing her way onto the bus. What do you do – try to “fight” with her, scold her, let her be?
- You went to buy something and the shopkeeper gave you extra change, do you keep the money so that you can buy something that you’ve been eyeing or do you return the extra money? (Thou shalt not covet/steal)
Instructions/Things to take note of:
Mentors can start by asking campers what they thought of yesterday’s activity, the Spirit of Giving.
In this section, mentors are to guide the campers through a series of questions that will lead them towards understanding specific lessons:
For the compulsory section:
Has anyone tried to sell tissue paper to you or your parent before?
(This is to trigger their thought process to make them recall what they see around)
How did they look like?
(Some descriptions could be blind men, old uncle, hunchbacked elderly lady, etc)
Did you/your parent buy the tissue paper from them?
(They’ll most likely just say yes/no. If they don’t elaborate, move on to the next question)
If no, why?
(Help them to realize that these people are making a living and that the S$1/2 that we/our parents part with are small losses as compared to helping the needy)
If you did, what component of the fruit of the Spirit do you think you are showing?
(Answer includes love, goodness, joy)
For the second chosen situation:
Questions will follow the flow as given on the left.
Mentors are reminded to ask campers “WHY?” regarding their actions.
Campers should respond to one another, therefore mentors ought to ask camper A what he/she thinks of Camper B’s response.
Ask the campers if they think their mentioned behaviour reflects the fruit of the Spirit or whether or not they have transgressed any of the Ten Commandments.
Finally, ask them how they would like to react when facing similar situations.
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